Fidelity to the Word
Our Lord and His Holy Apostles at the Last Supper

A blog dedicated to Christ Jesus our Lord and His True Presence in the Holy Mystery of the Eucharist

The Lord Jesus, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye and eat, this is My Body which shall be delivered for you; this do for the commemoration of Me. In like manner also the chalice.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The entire world thrills with hope

Merry twelfth day of Christmas

Minuit, chrétiens, c'est l'heure solennelle,
Où l'Homme-Dieu descendit jusqu'à nous
Pour effacer la tache originelle
Et de Son Père arrêter le courroux.
Le monde entier tressaille d'espérance
En cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur.

Peuple à genoux, attends ta délivrance.
Noël, Noël, voici le Rédempteur,
Noël, Noël, voici le Rédempteur!

De notre foi que la lumière ardente
Nous guide tous au berceau de l'Enfant,
Comme autrefois une étoile brillante
Y conduisit les trois chefs d'Orient,
Le Roi des rois né dans la dépendance
En lui confond toute humaine grandeur

Le Rédempteur a brisé toute entrave:
La terre est libre, et le ciel est ouvert.
Il voit un frère où n'était qu'un esclave,
L'amour unit ceux qu'enchaînait le fer.
Qui Lui dira notre reconnaissance?
C'est pour nous tous qu'Il naît,
Qu'Il souffre et meurt.

Peuple debout! Chante ta délivrance,
Noël, Noël, chantons le Rédempteur,
Noël, Noël, chantons le Rédempteur!

Midnight, Christians, 'tis the solemn hour,
When the Man-God descended upon us
To erase the stain of original sin
And His Father's wrath, to stop.
The entire world thrills with hope
On this night that gives it a Saviour.

Fall on your knees, people, Await your deliverance.
Noel! Noel! Comes the Redeemer,
Noel! Noel! Comes the Redeemer!

By our Faith which the guiding Light
That brings us all to the Child's cradle
As before when a bright star
Brought the Kings of the Orient
The King of Kings borne in a humble stable:
Masters of today, proud of your might
Of your conceit, is what God preaches about.
Bow your head to the Saviour.

The Redeemer has overcome every obstacle:
The Earth is free, and Heaven is open.
He sees a brother where there was only a slave.
Love unites those who surround the fire.
Who will tell Him of our gratitude?
It's for all of us that He is born,
That He suffers and dies.

People stand up! Sing of your deliverance,
Noel, Noel, sing of the Redeemer,
Noel, Noel, sing of the Redeemer!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry twelfth day of some Jesus-celebration thing.

1/05/2007 03:15:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Thank you. Merry Twelfth Day to you, too.

1/05/2007 04:38:00 PM  

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