Fidelity to the Word
Our Lord and His Holy Apostles at the Last Supper

A blog dedicated to Christ Jesus our Lord and His True Presence in the Holy Mystery of the Eucharist

The Lord Jesus, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye and eat, this is My Body which shall be delivered for you; this do for the commemoration of Me. In like manner also the chalice.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Repetitious Prayer? Graven Images?

cr0wnz730 asked the following question on youtube:

explain roserie beads if the Bible said avoid repititave prayers and explain symbolism if the Bible prohibits it

Jesus condemned *vain* repetion, the notion that you have keep repeating yourself to make sure God hears you, but He does not condemn all repetition. He Himself prayed repetitively (Matthew 26:44), and God accepts the ever repeated praise of the angels (Revelation 4:8). If you open your Bible to Psalm 136, you will see see that the Bible itself contains repetition, with each verse ending with the words "For his mercy endureth forever". Similarly, in Daniel 3:57-88, the three just men being miraculously protected by God repeat the words "bless the Lord" at the end of each verse. In the New Testament, check out Jesus's parable in Luke 18:9-14. Who prays repetitively there, the Pharisee or the publican? Which one goes home justified?

God forbids the manufacture of idols to worship, but not all "symbolism". In Exodus 25:18, He not only allows but commands Moses to make two statues of cherubim for the mercy seat on top of the ark. 2 Chronicles 3:10-13 and I Kings 6:23-27 say that Solomon had two more golden statues of angels constructed for the Holy of holies. And 1 Kings 6 goes on to describe many more images Solomon used to decorate the Temple. How did God react to this place of abundant "symbolism"? The Bible does not record that He condemned it. Rather He chose it for His own and sanctified it (2 Chronicles 7:12-16).

In Ezekiel 41, the prophet is given a vision of the new Temple. The new temple in this vision from God is also decorated, with images of cherubim and palm trees on the walls and doors.

In Numbers 21:8-9, God commands Moses to make a bronze serpent. Then in John 3:14, Jesus compares Himself to that same serpent. Would Jesus associate Himself with an image made by human hands if all such images are inherently evil?

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Blogger Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

Whenever I hear the "vain repetition" complaint from Protestants, I always wonder if they hate to hear "I love you" repeated. Or, for that matter, even "Happy Birthday."

10/28/2006 08:41:00 PM  

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